Freitag, 1. Oktober 2010

lalalalalangeweile am freitag abend :)

How many people can you trust with just about everything? not that much.
Would you rather be called baby, honey, or sweetheart? Honey :) 
How many people do you truly hate? Too many :D 
Anyone ever tell you that you’ll always hold a place in their heart? Pfah, impossible.
When you’re sick or sad, do you want to be alone or do you want someone there with you? depends on the reason why I'm sick or sad :D 
If you found out your best friend was smoking weed, would you be disappointed? actually not.
Are you on good or bad terms with your last ex? silence. 
If you had to get another piercing (not ears) what would you get? tongue or lips :) *-* 
Ever gotten yourself into a confusing situation? all the time.
Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder? happier!
If someone gave you $1,000,000 would you spend it or save it? both spend and save :)

Is there a girl you absolutely cannot stand? yes :)
If so, why not? ... 
Your most recent ex best friend needs you at 3 am, do you go? there must be a reason why she's my ex best friend! so no.
Are you generally a happy person? i'm a smiley :D 
If you were drunk and couldn’t walk, would the person you last kissed, take care of you? yep.
What color shirt are you wearing? kinda white
Do you regret doing something today? don't think so
Would you rather kiss someone 5 years older or 5 year younger? 5 years older!
Is there anyone who doesn’t like you for no apparent reason? maybe :D 
Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night? can't remember
What catches your eye more? Eyes or smile? bums ftw :D
What’s something you want right now? hugs hugs hugs :)
Do you know anyone who smokes? yep xD 
Do you think you’re a good person? kinda!? 
What’s the last thing you drank? water
How many people did you have “strong” feelings for in 2010? 1.
How is your hair looking? like shit :)
When is the next time you will see one of your best friends? in about 10 months :(
Next time you will kiss someone? i dunno :) we will see x
How many drugs are in your system? none
Does any part of your body hurt right now? stomach :((( 
Have you ever had to choose between two people? nope
Can you remember the last place you kissed someone? yep
Will you be up before 7am tomorrow? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :) 
Is there anyone you’d like to apologize to? oh yea
Do you think anyone has feelings for you? I dunno :D 
How’s your heart? red x)
When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face? xD a few hours ago
Where were you last night? just in my bed :) 
What are your plans for tomorrow? i dunno actually. spontaneity :)
Has anyone ever said they loved you and not meant it? think so 
Is there someone who can ALWAYS make you smile? yes yes yes :)
What are you doing right now? breathing, smiling and nearly falling asleep
Have you kissed the last person you texted?nope

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